
Black eye of the boxer

Dr Vishpala Parthasarathy

A tribute to the boxing champions of the world, Ledum-palustre – the veritable homoeopathic remedy – can enhance their glorious victory by removing all their swelling and pain. Invaluable for bleeding around the eyeball, due to injury, popularly called “Black eye of the Boxer”; it absorbs the extra – vasations of blood and hematoma where Arnica proves insufficient.

Say on a Sunday, your child in a holiday mood, with no school bus to catch, no coaxing to wake up, brush, bathe or get ready for school. He lazes, potters around and even looks at the Sunday cartoon pages. But no, this state is short-lived. But then aping his father he decides to fix a nail on the wall. After all, what is the use of having carpentry classes in school? Armed with nails and hammer, he climbs the stool. Thuck-thuck-thuck, the monotony of the sound is pierced with a woeful wail as the nail, unwittingly, goes through his nail. Spurts of blood with excruciating pain, you run hither and thither, cursing yourself for letting him to do this. Confusion all around! No panic, please! Collect your wits; give Ledum 30 – 4 pills every half an hour, till the bleeding and pain subsides, thereafter-daily 4 doses will heal the wound.

Even if the nail is rusty, Ledum has the power to prevent tetanus if taken in time.

Green lawns of the garden make a lovely place to play and to run around. But if red ants crawling amidst grass prefer to join the musical chorus, what else than Ledum can extinguish the red wrath of their itch-burn stings? For stings of insects whether mosquitoes or wasps, the remedy can give relief quicker than anything else you may have ever used. Even for the sequelae like urticaria (raised patches due to allergy) with itching over the whole body. Ledum stands true if the itching finds relief in cold application.

In a household with plenty of children, Ledum must have a place. The little ones runs hither and thither, climb up and down with no brakes on, and hurt their limbs. The sweet pills of Ledum dry their tears and brighten their angelic faces.

Hence a household remedy for housewives and their maids, for cobblers as well for carpenters, tailors or mechanics, surgeons and also the warriors on the battlefield-for all emergencies of blood-shed!

To summarize : A remedy for stabs and punctured wounds of soft tissues, from sharp instruments like awls and nails – rusty or not, lancets and scalpels, not forgetting whitlows caused by needle pricks or splinters under nails as well as animal – bites.

So this second remedy of your “Homeopathic First Aid Kit” in 30 potency – 4 pills to be repeated every 1-2-3-4 hours until the bleeding stops, pain subsides and swelling goes away, later 4 times a day till the wound heals completely.

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