
Homoeopathy : An Introduction

Homoeopathy is a Holistic system of therapeutics, more popular today than ever before, as it is a safe system without side-effects. Today every paper or magazine carries a regular column on Homoeopathy – a tribute to its growing popularity.

But are the columns meant to be a teaching course a medicine? Most certainly not. It is supposed to give a bird’s eye view of all the disease and symptoms that Homoeopathy can handle and treat beneficially.

In fact, contrary to the popular notion, Homoeopathy is a difficult system of medicine to practice. You can’t learn Homoeopathy or take treatment through newspapers, mobile vans or through the NET.

You will all recollect the hue and cry a few months ago in the papers when a patient died at the hands of a Homoeopath practicing Allopathy.

A Homoeopath requires to spend much more time with the patient in taking the history and in studying each aspect of the case to find the absolutely correct remedy.

This section on growingwell is going to tell you:

  1. Which remedies are safe to use at home without a detailed history. eg remedies for First-Aid
  2. We shall talk about the rationale of Homoeopathy. I strongly feel that understanding the basis of a subject : the Philosophy and the rationale, is not only more interesting and profitable, but also very interesting to the intelligent netizen than a newspaper column which basically only says for this complaint – take this medicine. The human body certainly deserves more respect than that.
  3. We will also answer your specific queries.

And keeping with the rule of the growingwell.com – No names of medicines!

Like I got a kidney stone. What remedy I should take for it? To that I will have no answer since I do not have your full case history. But I can certainly tell you what you need to do in order to rid yourself of that stone.

So welcome to the exciting world of Homoeopathy.

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