
Arnica - The first alphabet of Homeopathy

Dr Vishpala Parthasarathy

Jack fell down
And broke his crown
Jill came tumbling after

If one of the two had known Homoeopathy, the story of Jack and Jill may have been happily different!

Kind nature has ordained that wherever falls are common, there should be available a remedy to heal. Arnica-montana is one such – a perennial plant that grows on mountainous slopes and in peaty meadows. Known as “Fall-Herb”, peasants dry and store it to use in emergencies. To avail of its medicinal virtues, Homoeopathy turned it into an invaluable “first-aid’ remedy.

For every mechanical injury – concussions and contusions, injuries with blunt instruments, blue – black spots, bruised soreness of strained muscles Arnica has no peer.

Roly-poly Ricky started jogging to reduce his bulk. That first night, every muscle was sore and aching. Few pills of Arnica 30 put him to sleep. The next day found him fit as a fiddle for another round of jogging.

My little daughter went down to play; she came up crying with a bump on the forehead, already as big as a lemon. Arnica brought down the swelling by next morning!

As Diwali comes nearer, you mothers will get busy cleaning the house. You would do well to remember Arnica to remove the fatigue and relieve your aching limbs. After a restless night, the remedy can refresh your frayed nerves.

Who isn’t a fan of “Dhishum-Dhishum” films? When your favourite hero gets hit and falls down unconscious, rush quickly with Arnica if you do not wish to make him a martyr.

Does your child have an appointment with the dentist? Please do give Arnica pills before and after the extraction of the tooth. Really Arnica is an infallible ally to the dentist.

Beginning of the new school year? Buying books and new school shoes? Again suffer from shoe bites? See that you also stock Arnica that knows well how the shoe pinches.

Mothers please note: Childbirth is a process of agony and ecstasy. Arnica can take away the former, leaving the latter intact, by rendering every uterine contraction easy and productive. A dose for the mother, and a dose for the new-born child – that is the formula for the shock and bruises of this struggle for survival. It can extend its services for sore nipples after nursing the child. In retrospect, a threat of abortion after trauma in a pregnant woman will disappear if Arnica is employed judiciously.

A remedy for the mother and child, stuntman and sportsman, tramp and tourist, each one of us who needs to survive under the stress and strain of life and living, every household and work – place must have Arnica- montana in its First – aid box.

An excellent remedy for bruised humanity indeed!


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